The old saying “your car wouldn’t work if you put the wrong fuel in it”, might be over used when discussing your health, but it explains it perfectly. The Nutrition Detectives are firm believers that food is medicine, and that in order to support your body and all its functions it is essential that we consume the right fuel. Whilst there are some foods which are clearly insufficient for our health requirements such as highly processed foods and those that contain trans fats, table salt, sugars, preservatives, chemicals etc, there are some foods which on the surface are extremely healthy for the majority of the population, but might not be for you.
We at The Nutrition Detectives will establish the correct diet plan for you, which might mean following an anti histamine diet, low oxalate diet plan, low deadly nightshade, paleo, vegetarian, dairy or gluten free, or many other variations. You will always be given a list of acceptable foods and alternatives together with recipe ideas. You will be given a diet plan to following which will make the process easier to manage.
Any patient that has attended a clinic or has sent in a hair sample will get access to the patient area where there are recipes which can help inspire you on your journey to health.